CULINARY LESSONS - The Space of Food is based on a series of events, Culinary Lessons, which were...
MEDIATED ARCHITECTURE: Vivid, Effervescent and Nervous, the second issue of the SAC JOURNAL, pres...
GARDEN STATE - Cinematic Space and Choreographic Time is the third issue of the SAC JOURNAL a...
MEDIATED ARCHITECTURE: Vivid, Effervescent and Nervous, the second issue of the SAC JOURNAL, pres...
Ein Karton voll vergessener Briefe erzählt die wahre Geschichte des »Dr. B.«Stockholm 1940. Das n...
Der Sammelband zeigt einerseits die Vielfalt und das Potential einer pluralen Ökonomik auf, ...
GARDEN STATE - Cinematic Space and Choreographic Time is the third issue of the SAC JOURNAL a...
CULINARY LESSONS - The Space of Food is based on a series of events, Culinary Lessons, which were...
WORLDBUILDING: Gaming and Art in the Digital Age examines the relationship between gaming and tim...
WORLDBUILDING: Videospiele und Kunst im digitalen Zeitalter untersucht die Beziehung zwischen Gam...