If the science of 'radical life extension' is realized and the technology becomes widely availabl...
Sugarcane is the source of over three quarters of the world’s sugar, and is grown widely in the t...
This is a fictional tale but based on the true rags-to-riches story of a young Irish girl escapin...
This book traces the steady decline in Irish Catholicism from the visit of Pope John Paul II i...
At the beginning of the 21st century, Antarctica is poised at the edge of a warmer and busier wor...
This book introduces a new approach to model and predict substrate parasitic failures in integ...
Studienarbeit aus dem Jahr 2005 im Fachbereich BWL - Beschaffung, Produktion, Logistik, Note: 2,7...
En el cumpleaños Érika, su padre lleva a las tres hermanas a comprarles un regalo y encuentran un...
Advances in electronics have pushed mankind to create devices, ranging from - credible gadgets to...
Get the expert guidance you need to begin building native applications for Apple's new iPhone ...