A comprehensive resource for practitioners working with sexual offenders.Di...
Vivid photographs and essays that deliver an extraordinary immersion in Caribbean identity and ri...
A practical handbook for practitioners that covers the assessment, treatment and management...
Assessments in Forensic Practice: A Handbook provides practical guidance in the assessment...
A practical handbook for practitioners that covers the assessment, treatment and management...
Just a Poet, Just a Poem is jam-packed, soaring with everythinglove, life, and writing beautiful ...
Having experienced plenty of love, life, excitement and the loss of such desirable and very impor...
Vivid photographs and essays that deliver an extraordinary immersion in Caribbean identity and ri...
This book is a practical guide to the CARE programme, a home visiting programme that aims to asse...
Assessments in Forensic Practice: A Handbook provides practical guidance in the assessment...
Assessing Risk in Sex Offenders: A Practitioner's Guide is a handy resource for forensi...
Alegacy of slavery, abolition, colonialism, and class struggle has profoundly impacted the peop...