This book is designed to extend the field of organizational learning in several ways. The cont...
The broad spectrum of topics surrounding what is termed the knowledge economy has attracted in...
PEM Milieus of CreativityEMis the second volume in the book series EM Knowledge and Space....
Interest in relations between knowledge, power, and space has a long tradition in a range of disc...
P This collection of essays aims to further the understanding of historical and contemporary geo...
P 'Clashes of Knowledge' is the first volume in a book series called 'Knowledge and Space' deali...
The revival of interest in collective cultural memories since the 1980s has been a genuinely g...
P Der vorliegende Band reflektiert das Thema 'Bildung und Wissensgesellschaft', das durch die PI...
This book presents theoretical and methodical discussions on local knowledge and indigenous knowl...