Portuguese Language for Foreigners (eBook, EPUB)

Portuguese Language for Foreigners (eBook, EPUB) - Neil Mars
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The Complete Beginner’s Guide to Learning Portuguese and Traveling in Portugal as Presented by the World’s Best Universities
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Are you ready to embark on a language-learning journey? Look no further! "Portuguese Language for Foreigners: The Complete Beginner's Guide to Learning Portuguese and Traveling in Portugal as Presented by the World's Best Universities" is the ultimate resource for anyone who wants to learn Portuguese and immerse themselves in the vibrant culture of Portugal.

With the expertise of the world's top universities, this book provides a comprehensive compilation of texts, exercises, and valuable resources used to teach Portuguese to foreigners. Whether you prefer independent learning or want to study with a partner, this guide offers the most effective methods to help you master the Portuguese language. It's also a valuable manual for Portuguese language teachers and lecturers, providing them with the tools they need to create engaging and dynamic lessons.

What sets this book apart is the author's extensive experience teaching Portuguese to foreign students, including establishing Portuguese departments in prominent Chinese universities. Through collaborations with esteemed institutions like the Universities of Guangdong, Harbin, Jilin, and Shanghai, the author has gained invaluable insights into language learning. With this knowledge, they have meticulously researched existing resources in the market to create a manual that guarantees faster, better, and more motivating results.

As a lecturer, the author has been recognized as one of the most efficient language teachers in China. They have been recommended by the Portuguese Embassy as one of their best lecturers ever. Their students have even won numerous national awards for their exceptional speech, translation, interpretation, and writing skills. Impressively, many of these students have achieved fluency in Portuguese within just one month.

The impact of this book is undeniable. Former students have gone on to become successful managers, entrepreneurs, translators, and interpreters in various renowned companies worldwide. They have found opportunities in countries such as Brazil, Portugal, Angola, Mozambique, Spain, Saudi Arabia, China, England, and the USA.

This immersive guide to learning Portuguese is not just about acquiring language proficiency. It's an invitation to explore the rich and diverse Portuguese-speaking world. Whether you're planning a trip to Portugal, want to connect with Portuguese-speaking communities, or simply have a passion for language learning, "Portuguese Language for Foreigners" is your gateway to rewarding experiences and endless possibilities.

Ready to embark on your language-learning journey? Buy "Portuguese Language for Foreigners" now and unleash your linguistic potential!

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Schlagwörter zu:

Portuguese Language for Foreigners von Neil Mars mit der ISBN: 6610000018369

Bilingual Education; Language Experience Approach; Portuguese; Best Portuguese language resource; Language learning with fast results; Learn Portuguese; Portuguese language for beginners; Portuguese language immersion; Traveling in Portugal; University-approved language learning, eBooks-Center



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