Advances in postharvest management of horticultural produce (eBook, EPUB)

Advances in postharvest management of horticultural produce (eBook, EPUB) - Chris Watkins
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Chris Watkins
66, Burleigh Dodds Series in Agricultural Science
eBook Format:
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This book provides a comprehensive review of the causes and prevention of food losses and waste (FLW) at key steps in the supply chain. The book begins by defining what is meant by food losses and waste and then assessing current research on its economic, environmental and nutritional impact. It then reviews what we know about causes and prevention of FLW at different stages in the supply chain, from cultivation, harvesting and storage, through processing and distribution to retail and consumer use. The third part of the book looks at FLW for particular commodities, including cereals and grains, fresh fruit and vegetables, roots and tubers, oilseeds and tubers, meat and dairy products, and fish and seafood products. The final section in the book reviews the effectiveness of campaigns to reduce FLW in regions such as North and Latin America, Asia and the Pacific, the Middle East and, sub-Saharan Africa.
Postharvest losses remain a serious problem in the fresh produce sector. This collection reviews advances in preservation and disinfection, monitoring and management techniques to optimise safety and quality of fresh fruit and vegetables.

Part 1 Preservation techniques
1.Advances in cooling technologies to preserve horticultural produce: J. R. Olatunji and A. R. East, Massey University, New Zealand;
2.Advances in controlled atmosphere storage of horticultural produce: John DeLong, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Canada; and Robert Prange, Dalhousie University, Canada;
3.Advances in modified atmosphere and active packaging of horticultural produce: Jeffrey S. Brandenburg, The JSB Group LLC, USA;
4.Advances in the use of barrier coatings and additives in the preservation of fresh horticultural produce: Elizabeth A. Baldwin, formerly USDA-ARS, USA; and Jeffrey K. Brecht,University of Florida, USA;

Part 2 Safety management and disinfection techniques
5.Post-harvest risk management of biological hazards encountered in horticultural produce: Keith Warriner and Mahdiyeh Hasani, University of Guelph, Canada;
6.Advances in understanding pathogens contaminating horticultural produce: P. Truchado, A. Allende and M. I. Gil, CEBAS-CSIC, Spain;
7.Advances in postharvest sanitizing regimes for horticultural produce: Joshua B. Gurtler, Xuetong Fan, Tony Jin and Brendan A. Niemira, USDA-ARS, USA;
8.Advances in using heat for disinfection/disinfestation of horticultural produce: Elazar Fallik and Susan Lurie, Agricultural Research Organization – Volcani Center (ARO), Israel; and Lisa Jamieson and Allan Woolf, The New Zealand Institute for Plant & Food Research Limited, New Zealand;
9.Advances in the use of irradiation for the market access of fresh horticultural produce: John Golding and Sukhvinder Pal Singh, New South Wales Department of Primary Industries and University of Newcastle, Australia;
10.Advances in the potential use of non-thermal plasma in postharvest treatment of fresh horticultural produce: Sukhvinder Pal Singh and John Golding, New South Wales Department of Primary Industries and University of Newcastle, Australia;
11.Advances in the use of ozone in the disinfection of horticultural produce: Marcin Glowacz, Natural Resources Institute (NRI) – University of Greenwich, UK;
12.Advances in the use of biological control agents in the disinfection of horticultural produce: Samir Droby, Agricultural Research Organization – Volcani Center (ARO), Israel; Michael Wisniewski, USDA-ARS, USA; and Davide Spadaro, University of Torino, Italy;

Part 3 Monitoring and management
13.Monitoring postharvest attributes: instrumental techniques for measuring harvest maturity/fruit quality: Kerry B. Walsh and Nicholas T. Anderson, Central Queensland University, Australia;
14.Postharvest handling of organically produced specialty crops: Penelope Perkins-Veazie, Chris Gunter and Marlee Trandel, North Carolina State University, USA;
15.Smart distribution to maintain shelf life of horticultural produce: J. K. Brecht, University of Florida, USA; I. Uysal and M. C. N. Nunes, University of South Florida, USA; J. P. Emond, The Illuminate Group, USA; S. Mercier, Décathlon Canada, Canada; and U. McCarthy, Waterford Institute of Technology, Ireland;

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Schlagwörter zu:

Advances in postharvest management of horticultural produce von Chris Watkins mit der ISBN: 9781786762900

TECHNOLOGY & ENGINEERING / Agriculture / Agronomy / Crop Science; 1-MCP; active packaging; barrier coatings; controlled atmosphere storage; disinfection; fresh produce; fruits and vegetables; modified atmosphere packaging (MAP); post-harvest ethylene management; post-harvest operations; preservation techniques; sanitising techniques, eBooks-Center



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