Groundbreaking surveys of the complex interrelationship between the languages of English and Fren...
This collection of fourteen original essays by leading authorities offers, for the first time, a ...
Two crucial genres of medieval literature are studied in this outstanding collection.
The renowned and illustrious tales of King Arthur, his knights and the Round Table pervade all...
New approaches to the everlasting malleability and transformation of medieval romance.
Fresh contributions to the study of medieval manuscripts, texts, and their creators.
Studies of how the physical manifests itself in medieval romance - and medieval romances as objec...
A comprehensive guide to the medieval popular romance, one of the age's most important literary f...
New investigations into Charles d'Orléans' under-rated poem, its properties and its qualities.
A series which is a model of its kindEDMUND KING, HISTORY
Investigations into the heroic - or not - behaviour of the protagonists of medieval romance.
New investigations into Charles d'Orléans' under-rated poem, its properties and its qualities.