Lad: A Dog is a 1919 novel by Albert Payson Terhune. The story follows the adventures and travail...
A collection of lovely stories about collies and their humans, mostly about canine loyalty, heroi...
A brilliant tale of courage and loyalty, featuring Gray Dawn, a much beloved recurring canine in ...
Follow the adventures of one of Terhune's most famous canine creations.
Wolf, is Terhune's classic story of the funny-looking purebred collie who was somewhat an outside...
One of Terhune's well-loved canine stories.
Following Bruce from his life as a puppy through his training as a courier dog and onto his servi...
Telling the story about a runt from a litter of collies who is relinquished in a forest and, thro...
The heart-warming adventures of a mongrel scamp named Chips.