Nervenkitzel, wilde Sprünge und Millionen YouTube-Fansdas Leben des Bike-Profis Danny MacAskill...
Braucht die Kritische Theorie noch die Psychoanalyse? In »Kritik auf der Couch« wartet Amy Allen ...
Invasive species are of great environmental importance but no book before now has explored a key ...
Vor mehr als 25 Jahren kritisierte Edward Said die Kritische Theorie der Frankfurter Schule dafür...
NASA’s Chandra X-ray Observatory has ushered in a revolution in X-ray astronomy. Writte...
One Health has now expanded beyond discussion of emerging infectious diseases and zoonoses.Reta...
How might the anthropological study of cosmologiesthe ways in which the horizons of human world...
Composing Apartheid explores how music was produced through, and provided key features of aparthe...
This series [pushes] the boundaries of knowledge and [develops]new trends in approach and under...