Media representations of ageing play a role in stereotype formation and even reinforce them. Enco...
New essays examining the differences and commonalities between late Weimar-era and early Nazi-era...
'Highlights in Mineralogical Crystallography' presents a collection of review articles with th...
This concise pocket guide is the first of its kind to provide a solid foundation for those who...
Lösemittel, Geruch, Schimmel, Formaldehyd und Elektrosmogdas Leben in geschlossenen Räumen wird...
Sprachliche Polyphonie ist ein weit verbreitetes, aber kaum wahrgenommenes Phänomen der »Mehrstim...
Geschlechterwissen wird in und zwischen wissenschaftlichen Disziplinen generiert - als Kritik an ...
While the COVID-19 pandemic overshadowed all else and would quickly have a lasting impact on our ...
New research into petitions and petitioning in the middle ages, illuminating aspects of contempor...