This commentary regards Jer. 1&25 as a dramatic text: in laments, accusations, and predictions of...
This commentary interprets the first part of the book of Exodus, through 15:21. It features two a...
A comprehensive, reliable and up-to-date scholarly introduction to the world of the Hebrew Bible ...
This commentary interprets the book of Amos as handed down in the Hebrew Bible: as a collection o...
Das Buch Ester gehört zu den fünf Festrollen, den Megillot. Es berichtet von einer jungen Israeli...
Der Kommentar legt dar, dass Sacharja 9-14 aus vier Sammlungen eschatologischer Hoffnungstexte (9...
Abraham gehört zu den bekanntesten Gestalten der Hebräischen Bibel. Die frühe Christenheit hat de...
Major parts of the book of Micah were probably composed in the context of a book containing a num...
This commentary offers a synthesis of close readings of Genesis 1-11 and up-to-date study of the ...
The Book of Esther is one of the five Megillot. It tells the story of a Jewish girl in Persia, wh...
This commentary illumines Jer 26-52 through historical, literary, feminist, and postcolonial anal...