Vegan Finger Foods features more than 100 recipes for appetizers, small plates entree...
Inside Vegan Sandwiches Save the Day!, you’ll find 101 amazing combinations to sui...
This comprehensive guide to food substitutions is key reading for anyone new to veganism,...
Hearty Vegan Meals for Monster Appetites gives 200 vegan recipes that a die-hard comfort foo...
Get the scoop on over 100 awesome, protein-rich meals that fit into your diet as a vegan!...
The Complete Guide to Vegan Food Substitutions is your secret weapon to turning any recipe i...
Looking for more variety in your vegan cooking? 500 Vegan Recipes gives you the array of dis...
This book is filled with recipes for wholesome yeast breads, muffins, teacakes, pies, waf...
The No-Waste Save-the-Planet Vegan Cookbook delivers 100 delicious and waste-fre...
Over 100 vegan, whole grain-focused recipes including step-by-step instructions for cooki...
Choose from over 100 recipes for homemade baked goods, preserves & other edible vegan gif...
This book is the ultimate guide to all vegan nut recipes! Vegans Go Nuts celebrate...