This book discusses recent advances in computer and computational sciences from upcoming research...
This book develops a unified framework to explain the phenomena of competitive advantage ...
This volume contains 69papers presented at ICICT 2015: International Congress on Information a...
This book provides a synthesis of research findings, in terms of strategic knowledge outcomes ...
The Theory of Entrepreneurship examines the interiors of the entrepreneurial value creation proce...
This book presents selected proceedings of the International Conference on Advances in Me...
This book gathers outstanding papers presented at the International Conference on Advan...
This book is a collection of selected refereed papers presented at the International Conference o...
This volume contains 69papers presented at ICICT 2015: International Congress on Information a...
This book integrates science and business to provide an introduction and an insider view of intel...
Investors receive thousands of business plans, but only a few businesses receive funding. While t...