This book focuses on the Interkosmos program, which was formed in 1967, marking a fundamentall...
In this spellbinding account of an historic but troubled orbital mission, noted space historia...
TO A NATION enthralled by the heroic exploits of the Mercury astronauts, the launch ...
The names of the seven Mercury astronauts were announced in April 1959 amid a flurry of publicity...
Unofficially they called themselves the TFNG, or the Thirty-Five New Guys. Officially, they we...
Inevitably, there are times in a nations history when its hopes, fears and condence in its own...
Colin Burgess offers a comprehensive yet personal look at the 1962 orbital mission of Wal...
P The First Soviet Cosmonaut Team will relate who these men were and offer far more extensive ba...
Often lost in the shadow of the first group of astronauts for the Mercury missions, the second an...
She was described as the most dangerous woman in Europe by Adolf Hitler; Noel Coward said people ...
NASAs Mercury astronauts were seven highly skilled professional test pilots. Each of them seemed ...
P Many readers will doubtless be astonished to learn that animals were being fired aloft in U.S....