Von Robotern, Mitschülern und anderen seltsamen WesenEin Kinderbuch über Schule, Familie und Freu...
Climate change is affecting Indiana's environment, threatening the way Hoosiers live and do...
Significant contributions on Celtic history, law, archaeology and literature.
A runaway train is racing toward five men who are tied to the track. Unless the train is stopped,...
First full-length survey of the fluid relationship between these two areas at a time of rapid cha...
In an immensely varied and thoughtful collection of true life reflections on love, marriage and t...
Moritz Schlick, Otto Neurath, Kurt Gödel, Rudolf Carnap und in seinem Umfeld auch Ludwig Wittgens...
Moritz Schlick, Otto Neurath, Kurt Gödel, Rudolf Carnap und in seinem Umfeld auch Ludwig Wittgens...