In Mountains of Tartary, mountaineering and explorer Eric Shipton describes his climbs and explor...
Land of Tempest reveals Eric Shipton at his best - writing with enthusiasm and humour about his e...
In 1953, Edmund Hillary and Tenzing Norgay reached the summit of Mount Everest. They climbed from...
'As I studied the maps, one thing about them captured my imagination - Across this blank space wa...
Upon that Mountain is the first autobiography of the mountaineer and explorer Eric Shipton. In it...
Long before the advent of instant media, Eric Shipton wandered off the grid, only to re-emerge fr...
'It is often from our setbacks, even our weaknesses, that we derive some of our greatest blessing...
'When a man is conscious of the urge to explore, not all the arduous journeyings, the troubles th...