Merging Optimization and Control in Power SystemsA novel exploration of distributed ...
This book explores translation strategies for films and TV programs. On the basis of case stud...
A comprehensive introduction to thedesign, synthesis, characterization, and catalyti...
In this book the author presents a self-contained account of Harnack inequalities and application...
The book proposes a new Cultural Realism and Virtualism design model for cultural and creative pr...
In an article for Wired Magazine in 2006, Jeff Howe defined crowdsourcing as an idea for outsourc...
The chapters in this edited book are written by some authors who have presented very high qual...
Carbonyl CompoundsDiscover how carbonyl compounds bridge reactants, catalysts, and s...
This state-of-the-art reference text provides comprehensive coverage of the challenges and lat...
Process synthesis and process intensification are becoming state-of-the-art scientific fields tha...
Lignin Conversion CatalysisAuthoritative reference providing comprehensive knowledge...