Despite his intellectual brilliance, successful career, and sizeable inheritance, Christopher Tie...
A Man Could Stand Up -the third volume of Parade's End, brings Ford's characters to the 'crack ac...
Am Vorabend des Ersten Weltkriegs verbringen die Ehepaare Ashburnham und Dowell alljährlich glück...
In seinem grandiosen Hauptwerk gelingt es Ford Madox Ford, große Figuren zu schaffen und an ihnen...
First published in 1928, Last Post is part four of Ford Madox Fords hugely successful Parades End...
Ford Madox Ford spent his last years in the south of France, near Toulon. In Provence (1935), wri...
The Good Soldier (1915) by Ford Madox Ford is a modernist classic, an intricately worked novel. I...
One of Canadas most painful and breathtaking pictures of a soldiers life during the First...