The first comprehensive and authoritative history of work and labour in Africa; a key text for al...
As the French public debates its present diversity and its colonial past, few remember that betwe...
Im ersten Band der Reihe werden Schlüsseltexte der international wichtigsten Vertreter der Global...
Frederick Cooper, einer der weltweit wichtigsten Afrika- und Kolonialismushistoriker zur Gesch...
Starting with the premise that Europe was made by its imperial projects as much as colonial encou...
Multi-disciplinary examination of the role of ordinary African people as agents in the generation...
This invaluable book provides an elementary description of supersymmetric quantum mechanics which...
Multi-disciplinary examination of the role of ordinary African people as agents in the generation...
P In recent years, major developments have been made in understanding various genetic and epigen...
In den Geschichts- und Sozialwissenschaften ist der Kolonialismus mit seinen unterschiedlichen Er...