Alexei Ivanovich is a young tutor working for a previously wealthy Russian army general. Desperat...
Set in 19th-century Russia, this philosophical novel explores the questions of God, morality, and...
When the protagonist Ivan Ilyich Pralinsky drinks a little bit too much with his colleagues one d...
The stories of the novice Alyosha Karamazov, the non-believer Ivan Karamazov, and the soldier Dmi...
This book contains the complete novels of Fyodor Dostoyevsky in the chronological order of their ...
The story revolves around a government employee who begins to encounter someone who looks exactly...
This volume contains Fyodor Dostoyevsky's 1877 short story 'The Dream of a Ridiculous Man'. It be...
This book contains 25 short stories from 5 classic, prize-winning and noteworthy authors. The sto...