Kidnapped by dangerous renegade, a beautiful debutante finds boundless passion in this...
Slender, dark-haired Willow had been sent East as a child. Now, she returned to her mother's peop...
A Woman With A WillMiss Lillian Primm is beyond weary of polishing the manners...
A Union BraveA Rebel soldier killed his brother. Now the fires of revenge burn in ...
Danger and desire await on the Oregon trail for two members of a wagon train in t...
Throw a sassy whiskey slinger together with a down-on-his-luck cowboy and what do you get? A matc...
He's A LoverFast-talking promoter Cash McCalley will be set for life if he can...
Sent to help an overwhelmed cavalry, Lieutenant Colt Prescott is afraid of nothing, cowed by no o...
Love ChildCavalry Captain Austin Shaw knew his aristocratic Boston family would ne...
TORN BETWEEN LOVE AND DUTYA warrior who values duty above all else, Talako is hono...
TIMELESS LEGENDIt is a painting with a ghost in itaccording to the guidebook in th...
The award-winning author ofTo Seduce a Texan thrills readers once again with th...