This volume takes its subtitle from the theme of the ASHB meeting for 1995 'Humans in the Austral...
Set in mid-60s Harlem and Alabama, two families grapple with the promise and brutality of t...
This collection explores the central theological notion of covenant. It has been produced in hono...
This is the first book to examine the history of the medical services provided by workhouses, bot...
There’s a reason Semi-Rad has thousands of followers--Brendan Leonard’s observations about life a...
Step into the more fabulous version of your lifeThink about where you are in life right at this m...
Metal-organic frameworks represent a new class of materials that may solve the hydrogen storage p...
Metal-Organic Frameworks (MOFs) are crystalline compounds consisting of rigid organic molecule...
A gentle introduction to the geometry of convex sets inn-dimensional spac...