Natural disasters are occasional intense events that disturb Earth's surface, but their impact...
A landmark of scholarship on medieval Scotland. Professor Dauvit Broun, University of Glasgow.
Are you the kind of person who watches crime drama and real-life crime documentaries on televisio...
Knowledge and information are among the biggest assets of enterprises and organizations. Howev...
This book is an essential reference to cutting-edge issues and future directions in informatio...
This book issues a provocative challenge to the notion, prevalent in Christian circles, that peop...
There has never been a more exciting time to practice law. While artificial intelligence promises...
Written by one of the astronomers who 'lived the dream' of working there this book is a...
The topics covered in this book have been specifically chosen to give guidance to surgeons establ...
A hands-on tool for conducting the successful, profitable sale of a businessAs...
We are increasingly conscious of the significance of our body language in our everyday interactio...