What is Covid, and why is everyone talking about it?Engagingly illustrated by Axel Scheffler, thi...
With contemporary approaches based on theory and the lived experience of dementia, Occupationa...
This book covers the latest understanding of molecular and genetic bases of abiotic stress tolera...
Snowdonia, 1880, and Jane Gruffydd is a newcomer to the district, dressed to the nines and almost...
Gumby. Barbie. Slinky. WHAM-O. Spirograph. Hot Wheels. Atari.
Nora RobertsEin Kuss zum DessertDie süße Dessertköchin June ist genau die Richt...
There is increasing interest in young peoples participation in the design and delivery of health ...
What do national dementia strategies, constantly evolving policy and ongoing funding difficult...
Rooted in an international political economy theoretical framework, this book provides unique ins...
Written key names in the field, this book opens up the options for creativity and innovation in d...