Summer on Vancouver Island starts with the discovery of a dead homeless man. The autopsy revea...
In this new series by the acclaimed author of the Belle Palmer mysteries, RCMP Corporal Holly ...
When Sandra Sinclair, recently widowed and the mother of twelve-year-old Jane, meets wealthy lawy...
In the third Belle Palmer mystery, Belle takes her friend and employee on a snowshoe trek. Mir...
Northern Ontario realtor Belle Palmer is showing the lakefront mansion of a prominent business...
Another freezing winter descends in seeming peace upon the Northern Ontario lake where realtor...
Holly Martin must find a dangerous sexual offender before he strikes again.Corp...
Cowboy drifter Rick Cooper is on the run in the California desert when he meets Gladys Ryan, an e...
Presenting the five novels of the acclaimed Belle Palmer literary mystery series by Lou Allin,...
The verdant lushness of Vancouver Island is not without its dangers Summer on Vancouver Island...
In the sequel to Northern Winters Are Murder, its now high summer in Northern Ontario, where e...
In one volume for the first time, this bundle presents the first three novels of the Holly Martin...