Ärztin: Wie geht es Ihnen? Patient: Ich bin im Durcheinandertal. Ärztin: Wie poetisch Sie...
Esta cuarta entrega de la colección titulada 'Reflexiones' presenta una serie de aportes resultad...
This text uses an applied approach and graphical presentation style to offer a minimally techn...
Wood composites as part of wood engineering materials has been reaching a constant developing ...
This book provides an account of the use of computational tactical metrics in improving sports...
En un contexto donde se agudiza el cambio climático y crece la urgencia de buscar la transformaci...
La revista Luvina y la Editorial de la Universidad de Guadalajara reúnen estos cien Cuentos de As...
This state-of-the-art reference text provides comprehensive coverage of the challenges and lat...
This book contains a selection of papers accepted for presentation and discussion at ROBOT 202...
This book provides readers with a practical guide to the principles of hybrid approache...
This book discusses efficient prediction techniques for the current state-of-the-art High Effi...