Managerial Communication for Organizational Development provides clarity for top, middl...
This volume reviews advances in on-farm herd health management to prevent and limit disease among...
Conservation Agriculture (CA) seeks to understand the ecological basis of sustainability, whilst ...
A classic comprehensive reference on the biology and management of aphids occurring in crops, thi...
This handbook written by 140 scientists provides clear explanations, based on a standardized sche...
Martin Bell's was BBC TV's principal correspondent during the war in Bosnia from 1992 t...
Martin Bell OBE has been many thingsan icon of BBC war reporting, Britain's first independent M...
Managerial Communication for Professional Development offers a unique functions approac...
This book explores how population mobility varies among the countries of Asia. While much atte...
PEM 'Sinkholes and Subsidence'EM provides a twenty-first century account of how...
The revelations over MPs' expenses that began in May 2009 ranged from petty thieving to outr...