Fatherhood today is in crisis. Fathers have gone missing, or have become their childrens playm...
La práctica de la entrevista clínica. Una perspectiva lacaniana es un curso sobre Teoría y Técnic...
Der vorliegende Band versammelt profilierte Vertreter aus Theologie und benachbarten Disziplinen,...
The kiss is the image that, perhaps more than any other, encompasses the beauty and poetry of ...
En el tiempo de la evaporación del padre y del desmembramiento de la familia tradicional, ¿qué es...
In this book the bestselling author and psychoanalyst Massimo Recalcati offers a fundamental r...
This new book by Massimo Recalcati focuses on the psycho-social life of the son. Comparing and...
Relationships fall apart, marriages fail, couples break upit happens to us all. Time corrodes p...