First published as a special issue of Policy& Politics, this updated volume explores policy failu...
Set in the mystical kingdom of Iona, a young slave boy named Iskandar learns that he is the son o...
Esta historia del arte empieza en una cueva, en Alemania, hace 40.000 años, y termina junto a una...
This is the first book of its kind to examine railway heritage in the context of tourism in a ...
Welche Bedeutung hat die nachaufklärerische Philosophie für philosophische und theologische Probl...
On Thursday, December 6th 1917, a French freighter loaded with over 2,500 tons of high explosives...
This book seeks to fill a gap on the important topic of God's judgment. It is written for Christi...
A thorough and insightful commentary on Paul's letter to his coworker Timothy, which the apostle ...
The First World War claimed over 995,000 British lives, including the deaths of over a thousand&a...