P Since the groundbreaking first edition of STRONG Rational Emotive Approaches to the Problems o...
Bridge the big data gap withMicrosoft Business Intelligence Tools for Excel Analysts...
This authoritative volume commemorates six decades of Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy...
This is the first comprehensive book about surgery on and around the vertebral artery all alon...
Translation and the Arts in Modern France sits at the intersection of transposition, translati...
This book presents the state of the art in parallel numerical algorithms, applications, architect...
Der Band beschäftigt sich mit politischem, rhetorischem und künstlerischem Sprechen, der Rhetorik...
The Endgame is the gripping and authoritative account of the secret military and political effort...
Morgen, Kinder, wird's was geben ...Sie haben keine Lust auf besinnlichen Weihnachtszauber? ...
This practice-focused resource demonstrates effective uses of Rational Emotive Behavior...
Die Edition 'Ius Publicum Europaeum' behandelt das Verfassungsrecht nebst Verfassungsprozessrecht...