This book focuses on zero hours and on-call work as an extreme form of casual and precarious...
Reimagining the Culture of Leadership for Student SuccessA revision to the pract...
'Machen wir die aktive Gewaltfreiheit zu unserem Lebensstil!', so lautet der eindrückliche Appell...
Finde dich selbst! Doch wie eigentlich? Die Katholische Hochschulgemeinde Würzburg hat gemeinsam ...
Reimagining the Culture of Leadership for Student SuccessA revision to the pract...
Major General Le Minh Dao was the Commander of the 18th Infantry Division of the Army of the Repu...
Die Wahl von Barack Obama im November 2008 markierte einen historischen Wendepunkt in den USA: De...
There is an increasing divergence of focus group practice between social researchers and commerci...
Boost student success by reversing your perspective on college readinessThe national co...