Before Taize, there was Grandchamp. The lesser-known Protestant women's community, initiated in 1...
This collection reviews advances in understanding barley physiology and genetics, molecular breed...
Since the publication of the first edition (1994) there have been rapid developments in the appli...
Ein Vampir treibt in Finch sein Unwesen! Das behaupten zumindest Loris fünfjährige Zwillingssö...
Twenty-five doctoral students from around the world recently set out to forge a new path toward a...
Significant contributions on Celtic history, law, archaeology and literature.
Free-living birds encounter multiple health hazards brought on by viruses, bacteria, and fungi, s...
Connect inquiry to improved teaching and learning across your district!stro...
Parasitic Diseases of Wild Birds provides thorough coverage of major parasite groups affec...
Taking the themes of entrepreneurship, start-ups, innovation and collaboration, this book seek...