Bahiah Shaheen, an eighteen-year-old medical student and the daughter of a prominent Egyptian pub...
Diary of a Child Called Souad is Nawal El Saadawi's first autobiography, written at the age of...
'Todos los hombres que he conocido solo me han inspirado un deseo: el de alzar la mano y dejarla ...
Nawal El Saadawi's most recent play, God Resigns at the Summit Meeting, created an uproar in her ...
As well as a rare examination of Egyptian literature, this volume includes a non-themed section o...
Bint Allah knows herself only as the Daughter of God. Born in a stifling male-dominated state, ru...
In einer selbstreflexiven Erzählung hinterfragt die ägyptische Autorin und Menschenrechtsaktivist...
Bodour, a distinguished literary critic, carries with her a dark secret. As a young university st...
In einer selbstreflexiven Erzählung hinterfragt die ägyptische Autorin und Menschenrechtsaktivist...