Justice and Legal Change on the Shores of Lake Erie explores the many ways that the Unit...
InIn Essentials, Unity, Jenny Bourne presents a lively picture of a fraternal organization...
During the long decade from 1848 to 1861 America was like a train speeding down the track, withou...
Few images of early America were more striking, and jarring, than that of slaves in the capital c...
In 1846 two slaves, Dred and Harriet Scott, filed petitions for their freedom in the Old Courthou...
“When Lincoln took office, in March 1861, the national government had no power to touch slavery i...
Contributors explore how the end of the Civil War continued the trauma of the conflict and also e...
Drawn from a wide range of historical expertise and approaching the topic from a variety of angle...
The American Civil War was the first military conflict in history to be fought with railroads mov...