This edited collection considers how conditional welfare policies and services are implemented an...
This collection includes over 100 slave narratives and more than a thousands transcripts of recor...
Cattle play a fundamental role in animal agriculture throughout the world. They not only provide ...
This volume begins with a review of advances in measuring soil biological activity. Parts 2 and 3...
This edited collection considers how conditional welfare policies and services are implemented an...
Aims and ScopePatients are more empowered to shape their...
Das Handbuch stellt die Grundlagen des Personzentrierten Ansatzes (PzA) in Beratung und Seelsorge...
Das Lexikon stellt Frauen vom Mittelalter bis zum 18. Jahrhundert vor, die sich im Raum des heuti...
This volume consists of 52 peer-reviewed papers, presented at the International Conference on Sus...
As many social inequalities widen, this is a crucial survey of local authorities evolving role in...
This collection reviews the wealth of research in understanding consumer food-purchasing behaviou...