Das englischsprachige Handbuch bietet einen systematischen Überblick über den aktuellen Stand ...
This handbook provides a systematic overview of the present state of international research in...
Die HerausgeberInnen und AutorInnen vermitteln Grundsätzliches für die Entfaltung einer psychodyn...
Stories do not actually exist in the (fictional or factual) world but are constituted, struct...
An event, defined as the decisive turn, the surprising point in the plot of a narrative, const...
This study offers a fresh approach to the theory and practice of poetry criticism from a narra...
Lyrik wird in der Regel als eigenständige Gattung betrachtetin Abgrenzung zu erzählenden und...
Lyric poetry as a temporal art-form makes pervasive use of narrative elements in organizing th...
This handbook brings together 42 contributions by leading narratologists devoted to the study ...