Interrogates the development of the world's first international courts of humanitarian justice an...
Ganador del premio Booknest a la Mejor Primera Novela 2019.Es un magnífico debut, plagado de tod...
La terapia IFS (Sistemas de familia interna por sus siglas en inglés) está basada en el procesami...
This book provides a first synthetic view of an emerging area of ecology and biogeography, linkin...
Ganadora del David Gemmell Morningstar Award a la Mejor Primera NovelaGanadora del Reddit Fantasy...
A significant part of economics as we know it today is the outcome of battles that ...
Freedoms Vector: The Path to Prosperity, Opportunity and Dignity, is a book about Americaits gove...
Nelson Algren, Richard Wright, and Patricia Highsmith are just three of the iconic auth...
This book is the third volume in the Handbook of Zoology series which treats the systematics a...