At the tender age of fourteen, Richard Holloway left his home town of Alexandria, north of Glasgo...
Busy and deeply absorbed in all the complexity of life, Ruth Scott's packed diary suddenly had to...
Although Religious Education (RE) is a legal requirement in UK schools, it is an oft-neglected...
Atmospheric Chemistry provides readers with a basic knowledge of the chemistry of Earth's atmosph...
Drawing from military geographys spatial roots, its embrace of dynamic systems, and integrati...
For over 150 years, the Red Cross has brought succour to the worlds needy, from sick and wounded ...
One of the greatest English poets of the mid-seventeenth century, Richard Crashaw is still widely...
Doubts and Loves argues that it is better to use Christianity as good poetry than as bad science ...
Dieser erste Teilband des dritten und letzten Bandes des HBOT-Projekts setzt die kritische Darste...