Explores how spiritual values are learned and mind and body developed through the practice of ...
Accounts in Drug Discovery describes recent case studies in medicinal chemistry with a particular...
Analyzing how unexamined cultural patterns influence an organization′s culture, this book provide...
This book reveals in no uncertain terms how a sea of radical changes (kaikaku) initiated by a rec...
Newmarket, one of the oldest communities in Ontario, was founded on the Upper Canadian frontie...
<p><strong><em>The quintessential neurosurgical text re...
A large body of research has established a relationship between experiences of racial discriminat...
As the first edited volume to offer a multicultural approach to violence, this book examines the ...
Rocket scientist Jack Parsons called black magician Aleister Crowley his mentor.
Die Machtergreifung der Nationalsozialisten im Januar 1933 ist ein Schlüsselereignis der Weltgesc...