Este libro fundamenta porqué es necesario incorporar valores en la innovación y explica cómo impl...
Un brot d'Ebola s'estén per una zona rural del Sudan del Sud. Un bruixot serà la peça c...
Children with Regulation Disorders of Sensory Processing struggle to regulate their emotions a...
A history of money, an examination of what's gone wrong and the ideas which would put people...
Japan: History and Culture from Classical to Cool provides a historical account of Ja...
A scientific and historical study of crops and their age-old relationship with human civili...
An incisive introduction to global finance-the current mechanisms and the need for control a...
La brutalitat i vitalitat d'un món del qual se'ns manté ignorants se'ns presenta, amb tota la sev...
Placing adult day services within the whole spectrum of social provision and support, the cont...
In the wake of the profound changes in policy and practice around caring over the past ten yea...
Life, One Big Existential Crisis takes the reader on an epic journey. It starts by asking'Wh...