How does it feel when someone you love develops dementia? How do you cope with the shock, the ...
This book describes the background and present state of pest management in cotton crops throughou...
Sea urchins and sea cucumbers are highly sought after delicacies growing in popularity globall...
This is the first book in the field of mouse genetics to provide comprehensive and standardized m...
Prepares leaders for the 2020san accessible guide to the key technologies that will reshape...
Preaching Black Lives (Matter) is an anthology that asks, “What does it mean to be church where i...
There are many stories to tell about the Ethiopic manuscripts in the collection of the Mekane Yes...
This book provides an applied, interdisciplinary approach to an understanding of the key social d...
The Catalogue of the Ethiopic Manuscript Imaging Project (EMIP), volume 7, provides a full catalo...
A look at how Hillary Clinton, Donald Trump, and American voters invoked ideas of gender and race...