This invaluable volume is a collection of articles in memory of Jacques-Louis Lions, a leading ma...
The Shanghai Forum on Industrial and Applied Mathematics was organized in May 2006 on the occasio...
This new volume introduces readers to the current topics of industrial and applied mathematics in...
This volume is published in honor of Professor Gu Chaohao, a renowned mathematician and member of...
This book gives the basic notions of differential geometry, such as the metric tensor, the Rieman...
The focus of this is on the latest developments related to the analysis of problems in which seve...
This book is a collection of lecture notes on Nonlinear Conservation Laws, Fluid Systems and Rela...
This volume is composed of two parts: Mathematical and Numerical Analysis for Strongly Nonlinear ...
The Ginzburg-Landau equation as a mathematical model of superconductors has become an extremely u...
The International Conference on Modern Mathematics and the International Symposium on Differentia...