Named after the two-faced roman god, Janus particles have gained much attention due to their pote...
Greenhouse and other forms of protected cultivation create controlled environments to offset clim...
This up-to-date review closes an important gap in the literature by providing a comprehensive des...
The role and function of the nurse is rapidly changing, and nurses are now required to undertake ...
The new multimedia standards (for example, MPEG-21) facilitate the seamless integration of multip...
This book summarizes the recent advancements for drug delivery systems (DDS) in terms of funda...
This book presents the latest research results related to urban center and urban center...
The 4th FTRA International Conference on Computer Science and its Applications (CSA-12) will be h...
Spannender Roman aus dem chinesischen Befreiungskampf. China 1949: Weite Teile des Landes haben d...
This compilation of Buddhist biographies, teaching and transmission stories of Indian and Chinese...
Flexible Piezoelectric Energy Harvesters and SensorsA systematic and complete discus...