The comprehensive resource for all nurses who work with diabetes patients.
Use of real-time continuous glucose monitors among people with type 1 and type 2 diabetes is...
As governments and health care systems direct more attention and resources to treating the r...
The third edition ofClinical Care of the Diabetic Foot has been fully revised and upd...
The definitive guide to dietary supplements and diabetes for health care professionals...
Written by three psychologists with more than 50 years of collective experience in the field...
Improving glycemic, lipid, and blood pressure outcomes is the essence of diabetes care....
The American Diabetes Association JDRF Type 1 Diabetes Sourcebook serves as both an e...
This clinical book for health care professionals features the most up-to-date approaches and prot...
Diabetes A to Z covers everything you need to know--from 'A1C' to 'Zzzz's--Sleep Is Important.' M...
The only Spanish-English resource to help you communicate with your patients with diabete...