In conversations with drivers ranging from refugees to American expats, Di Cintio explores the bo...
Like its totem creature, the poems inOctopus are canny, slippery, and metamorphic.
A satirical novel about one man's attempt to maintain sanity and sense of humour in the face...
A retelling of the Trojan War told from Odysseus's perspective.
Culture-shocked Western doctors, nurses alienated from their villages, undersupplied hospita...
A suite of dark, unflinching elegies for a working-class city and community driven to the br...
A vivacious memoir of life along the Detroit River, from the prize-winning reporter, novelis...
From the bestselling author ofAnnabel, shortlisted for the Orange and IMPAC Dublin pr...
Available for the first time in English, this novel of love and betrayal has enthralled read...