Rural West Cork, Ireland. Two Kids, Joseph and Paul, and their struggling, poet father, Fraser, a...
Few fictional characters have proven to be as enduringly popular as the legendary Count Dracula. ...
Bloody Valentine is the story of the murder of a young woman called Lynette White in the Cardiff ...
The Art of Wandering is a history of that curious hybrid, the writer as walker. From the Ancient ...
Psychogeography. In recent years this term has been used to illustrate a bewildering array of ide...
'You hold in your hand a miracle.A book about a passion, and the hipsters, oddballs and old ...
The legendary Georges Simenon was the most successful and influential writer of crime fiction in ...
Often alchemy is seen as an example of medieval gullibility and the alchemists as a collection of...
Ghosts and spectres, the eerie and the occult. Why is contemporary culture so preoccupied by the ...
Prostate cancer really is the little understood male killer.1 in 8 UK males will be diagnosed wit...
Rejected by the Freemasons?Not bright enough for the Illuminati?Burnt by the Hell Fire Club?No fr...