Alfred Brendel, one of the greatest pianists of our time, is renowned for his masterly interpreta...
Dylan Thomas was one of the most extraordinary poetic talents of the twentieth century. Poems suc...
See No Evil is based on the life story of a Jewish kid from the Bronx who, through his childhood ...
Known the world over for her unique musical style, distinctive look and a voice that propelled he...
From dainty avocets prancing along the seashore to panic-stricken waxwings frenziedly gobbling be...
A major work by a brilliant young biographer, Muckraker details the tenacity and verve of one of ...
After making us laugh out loud with 5,000 Great One-Liners, Grant Tucker goes one better with thi...
Millions of readers know and love him for his lyrical portraits of his life, from the moving and ...
Philip Howard's legendary 'Lost Words' column has been appearing weekly in The Times for many yea...
Ever since the publication of Lytton Strachey's Eminent Victorians in 1918 it has been fashionabl...
As a boy, Ken Hom lived hand-to-mouth in the slums of Chicago's Chinatown. Today, he is one ...