Challenging many of the assumptions scholars have made about the Cuban Revolution's impact on hea...
This volume establishes Amitai Etzioni’s communitarian approach to international relations as a d...
Corporate Crime, originally published in 1980, is the first and still the only comprehensive stud...
Initially published in French under the title Operation Nemesis, this revealing work is now avail...
Daniel Pipes has collected some of his sharpest and most prescient writings from the quarter cent...
Organizational Pathology draws an extended metaphor that the life cycle of an organization is aki...
Suicide prevention is a major goal of the Public Health Service of the US government. This has be...
Charlotte Perkins Gilman (1860-1935) was a pioneering sociologist, feminist pragmatist, author, a...
For more than a generation after World War II, offi cial government doctrine and many Austrians i...
This book examines the role of private firms in the American water and wastewater industry. As mo...
The distinctive mixing and continuous remixing of public and private roles is a defining feature ...
This book argues that the history and character of modern anthropology has been egregiously disto...