In this timely thriller about domestic violence, Rusty Nale takes the reader on a journey of susp...
Imagine going upstairs to bed, only to wake up in hospital several weeks later not knowing your p...
The quirky poems in this book are easy to read and aim to cheer you up, so necessary in these ...
Lessons learnt for over 35 years from the battlefield of soldiering to the hidden battlefield of ...
There’s a real sense of posterity and pride in A Week in August. Author David Hawker reflects on ...
Many Monks across the Sea is a solid resource for scholars and practitioners on monastic praxis. ...
Walking in love and forgiveness is not an easy task, especially towards those who have hurt us, b...
Our belief is that people’s lives are made of stories - some forced on them, some chosen, some ev...
The secrets of endless life have been jealously guarded to keep a people safe. Now, as evidence g...
Charles Fletcher had exceptional influence on healthcare and health education in Britain. He wrot...
Following the progression of his career as a pilot, from the initial training through to flying m...
The NHS and those who work in it have never been more important. Doctors, medical professionals, ...